Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Amateur effort finds new largest prime number | Business Tech - CNET News

Amateur effort finds new largest prime number | Business Tech - CNET News: "The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project has scored its 14th consecutive victory, discovering the largest prime number so far. The number, 2 to the power of 57,885,161 minus 1, is a digit that's 17,425,170 digits long. That's big enough that if you want to see the full text, you'll have to brace yourself for a 22.5MB download. GIMPS, a cooperative project splitting the search across thousands of independent computers, announced the find yesterday after it had been confirmed by other checks. At present, there are 98,980 people and 574 teams involved in the GIMPS project; their 730,562 processors perform about 129 trillion calculations per second. The project has a lock on the market for mongo new prime numbers. The discoverer of this particular prime is Curtis Cooper, a professor at the University of Central Missouri who runs the prime-hunting software on a network of computers and who's found record primes in 2005 and 2006. It's not just his effort that's important, though; it relied also on others' machines ruling out other candidates. A prime number is divisible only by itself and the number 1. Once a mathematical curiosity, primes now are crucial to encrypted communications. Mersenne primes are named after Marin Mersenne, a French monk born in 1588 who investigated a particular type of prime number: 2 to the power of 'p' minus one, in which 'p' is an ordinary prime number. Cooper's find is the 48th Mersenne prime so far discovered. GIMPS has found the 14 largest Mersenne primes, the organization said."

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